Then you can choose if you want to use a single folder for all your archives, or define some sub-folders, as indicated in the animation below: You can define the structure of the archive folder by clicking the Archive options. This way, Outlook will automatically check for new updates in the future. This option will allow you to check for updates manually without scheduling automatic update checks.
In the Message Archives section, use the settings in Keep message archives in to set the desired location. How To Archive Manually In Outlook For Mac. In Tools Edit > Account Settings, select the desired email account in the left panel, and then select the Copies & Folders setting. The location of archived messages can be configured individually for each email account. How do I configure archiving? Configure archive location It is recommended that you not select more than 2,000 messages at a time. To archive one or more messages, select the desired messages and then click on the Archive button, or simply press A on your keyboard. Archived messages are indexed by Thunderbird's search. Messages can only be archived manually, not automatically. Could you elaborate more about how to insert Outlook data files and using them for daily archiving of my mailbox I love MAC OSX Sierra and wish to use. This makes it easy to organize archives or move them to a backup device, and keep the Inbox clean.

Thunderbird provides the ability to archive messages - that is, to move them from the default folders to archive folders without deleting the messages altogether. A new modern, updated apps, and at 10 million users.